The Bobol Domes on top are where the Bobols sleep at night
Studio Wildergorn
Lucky Dip
Here's some insights into various aspects of Wildergorn including tips from our resident colouring expert, Donna Peters.
.For colouring Wildergorn on paper we recommend kitting-up with the largest range of colours possible. Copic, Prismacolor and Spectrum Noir are some of the Rolls Royces of the marker world (and about as expensive!) but there are plenty of sets of markers to be found on Amazon - customer reviews are a useful guide to quality.
Also, not forgetting that the posters and book can be coloured beautifully with pencils, brushes and inks, watercolours - just about anything you like.
we love the Procreate App from Savage Interactive for digital colouring - The Wildergorn Digital Downloads and Procreate are a marriage made in heaven.

I Smoke and water are all the Bobols require: They used to live in the wild, feeding from volcanoes and hot fissures in the ground, but when the people of Sool learned how to make the same smoke irresistibly delicious by the inclusion of herbs and spices, the Bobols came eagerly to live with their human companions.

Question: The Gliders of Roon
From the natural honeycomb of tunnels in the mountains that surround them, the people of Sool extract the precious rod-shaped crystals of Quixite. Sought after for it’s vision-enhancing and spell-defying properties, Quixite is delivered throughout Wildergorn by the mysterious, gravity-defying creatures called Bobols.
I have a question. I’m working on Gliders, and the Pod trees and beads? Are the pod trees the large egg shaped ones I’m coloring in a greenish color? And are the beads the smaller circles on the base of them? I don’t think I’ve ever asked what an item is before...
The Pod Trees are the green egg things. They release their seed pods from the pod-tubes you can see on the trunks and the story-beads are fashioned from the pods...

There’s only one story bead in the foreground of the picture. If you didn't already know - to use a story bead all you have to do is mind-press your thoughts into the bead and then the person you send it to will be able to simply hold the bead and "replay" your thoughts - All people of Wildergorn have this telepathic ability. There is an old Wildergorn term of impatience - "Just read the bead!"
Jamie (You did ask!)

Donna's Demo's

Thanks Donna.
In this scene the Pogs are fending off yet another fruitless invasion by their old enemies the Skarks... Not a lot of people in Wildergorn know (not even the Skarks themselves) that it is in fact the Dark Hat, Mange Lagloom, who is responsible for the Skarks' repeated attempts, since time immemorial, to invade their neighbouring island of the Pogs. Such is the Dark Hats' thirst for power.

I've been coloring for years but Wildergorn is the only place I really feel at home. It's not just another parrot, pattern or mandala(and I've coloured plenty of those)- Wildergorn is a whole world and it kind of draws you in! - Here's a little video to show you how I color Wildergorn in the Procreate App
Also here's a video of me speed-coloring Pog-Log Bridge from one of the Digital Download series (Digidees).
P.s. I don't really do them that fast! Takes me days!

I Smoke and water are all the Bobols require: They used to live in the wild, feeding from volcanoes and hot fissures in the ground, but when the people of Sool learned how to make the same smoke irresistibly delicious by the inclusion of herbs and spices, the Bobols came eagerly to live with their human companions.
Beware The Dark Hats of Wildergorn! If you fall under the spell of a DARK HAT, you will no longer be in command of your own body. For however long it deems you to be of use, you will live only to serve the evil needs of that hat. Pay particular attention to the appearance of any strange new hat upon someone you know.

Thanks, I have another question - are you completely bonkers?(:0) Donna
At home in Sool, the Bobols also carry the people and their goods to and fro amongst the swaying Stalkhouses of their aerial city. Whilst they might look like balloons, it is said that if a Bobol is sitting on the ground it cannot be lifted, no matter how many people try, which is why they are also known as Airstones.

Finding Colours

Each Stalkhouse has a water feeder and a full size Bobol Kiln in which to make Lava-smoke from powdered rock. Smoke and water are all the Bobols require:
What colors to use? There are many places to find colors to use, for both pencils/ pens and digital coloring. Look on Pinterest and Etsy for color palettes. Find one that will work for your image. Once you find one try to stick to using those colors, use variations of the colors lighter, darker etc. Try blending the colors together to create new colors from the palette. Donna
(Please forgive Donna - She lives in America and therefore does not know how to spell colour properly😂 Jamie)
Hmmm - Here's some examples of COLOR palettes from Etsy and Pinterest. I have purchased more palettes and brushes then I would like to admit to 😂😂 Donna

For example: below is the palette I used for Digital Download: The Terraces of Astriel

Tongue in Cheekery
(order enquiry from France)
So what about my order? What did you do with it ??? Is there a small chance that I will receive it before Christmas !!???It seems that my two orders concerning you have been merged and that the articles composing them are now managed together, in terms of delay and waiting! Late delivery is intolerable, two orders blocked in delivery is unbearable! and to hell with all the viruses in the world! WHEN CAN I COUNT ON MY ORDER(S)?
Thank you for a quick and satisfactory response!!
Useless!!! Not serious.

Dear Alain,
Thanks you so much for your orders - and I am so sorry if some or all of then have not arrived yet.
We sent the first order by hot air balloon, and the second order, due to weight concerns, by a small sailing boat that was due to rendezvous with a submarine in the ENGLISH Channel (i.e OUR Channel - not YOURS!). The submarine was then to set sail to Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône in the Gulf de Lion. Subsequently your posters were to have been transferred to a barge, taken upriver and left on the foreshore by the Musée des Confluences, to be collected and finally delivered by donkey cart to your address.
Unfortunately some delays may have occurred along the way. . . Not to worry, if they haven't arrived by Friday we'll send tracked replacements or issue a total refund - whichever you prefer.
Kind regards,
Keep Safe!